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Neurosurgery 360°

Virtuelle Neurochirurgie

Neurosurgery 360°

The training of assistant doctors is an important but time-consuming and costly task in the surgical disciplines. During the 2019 Coronavirus pandemic, surgical training became an even greater challenge due to the reduced number of cases resulting from the increased focus on Coronavirus care. In this context, augmented 360°-3D-VR videos of surgical procedures enabled effective off-site training through virtual participation in the operation.

Neurosurgery 360° is a collaboration between and the neurosurgery department at Charité, aimed at improving the learning processes of aspiring neurosurgeons. For this purpose, stereoscopic 360° recordings of various surgeries in the operating room are made with a special camera and combined with the stereoscopic recordings from the surgical microscope. This combination is enhanced with interactive elements such as X-rays, MRI scans, annotations, and process descriptions, making it experienced in VR headsets. This allows for an immersive representation and learning of the complex spatial arrangement of the operating room while integrating the detailed view of surgeons. The project's setup is unique in the medical world and provides insight into groundbreaking VR-based learning methods.

English (United States)
English (United States)