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Forecast-based Financing

International Disaster Relief

Forecast-based Financing

Playersjourney created a mobile, interactive virtual reality experience for the German Red Cross for trade fairs and conferences, which raises awareness about the concept of Forecast-Based Financing. The idea is to offer targeted financial support in areas at risk of disasters even before the disaster occurs, in order to achieve protective measures and evacuations. The aim is to proactively manage disasters and prepare the population.

The VR experience simulates two approaches to disaster relief in Pakistan. First, users try to respond to a flood in real time by initiating a relief program. However, they quickly realize that they are overwhelmed by the situation. The second approach utilizes “Forecast-Based Financing,” where users proactively plan for the disaster before it happens, set warning levels, and prepare relief measures in advance. This enables the affected community to be prepared and better protect themselves, highlighting the effectiveness of proactive planning in disaster relief.

The approximately 7-minute playable application is designed for trade fairs and presentations and is intuitively operable. Through the immersive representation and strong VR interactions, a strong awareness of the problem and a deeper understanding of the innovative solution approach are generated. This way, new partners for the DRK can be found for the approach, and knowledge of modern disaster protection can be expanded.

English (United States)
English (United States)