What possibilities does digitization offer and what personnel and financial efforts are involved? Whether you are interested in digitizing objects or dream of an infinite virtual reality showroom, we can advise you and give you the knowledge to competently develop and implement your digitization strategy.
What are the main mediation goals and which audience should be addressed? Which digital technologies are suitable for this? As a service provider with a scientific background, we work closely with the curators. We speak code and culture! Your exhibits are the stars and we build the stage together.
The new technical possibilities offer immersive experiences and experiential spaces that were previously unthinkable. At the same time, there are many factors to consider to ensure a successful deployment. We have been working in this field for 5 years and have inspired many thousands of visitors with our virtual worlds.
What can visitors take away from a museum? Or from an exhibition? Why is the visitor book still the most common form of providing a forum for the public? We develop mobile solutions that make the visit permanent and enable a long-term, active relationship with the visitors.
Who are my visitors? Which topics are close to their hearts? And did the audience get what the exhibition organizers wanted to convey? Data-based visitor research can help them better assess the impact of their offerings and optimize them for the future.
You already have ideas and concepts and now want to implement them? Our team of the world's best programmers, sound experts, filmmakers and designers will ensure a professional and robust realization of your digital projects.
The Playersjourney team developed a great game for our exhibition "Wir Kapitalisten" at the Bundeskunsthalle. The topics that were important to us from a curatorial point of view were transformed in intensive exchange into an entertaining and sometimes also very touching and thought-provoking game. Together we succeeded in creating a new mediation tool that took away the seemingly abstract heaviness of the exhibition theme "Capitalism". Different technologies such as anonymous facial recognition, mobile app and 360° films were combined to create an impressive experience. The visitors of the exhibition were really enthusiastic.
Henriette Pleiger / Ausstellungskuratorin - http://www.bundeskunsthalle.de
With Playersjourney on board, the digitization of our museum has picked up speed. For our first virtual reality exhibition, "360° POLARSTERN - A Virtual Research Expedition," we worked very intensively and very gladly with the digital professionals from Berlin. The 360-degree footage they filmed on the world-famous research icebreaker actually gives you the feeling of traveling along there. A fascinating experience for our museum guests - and for us, of course.
Prof. Dr. Sunhild Kleingärtner, Geschäftsführende Direktorin des Deutschen Schifffahrtsmuseum - https://www.dsm.museum/ausstellung/ausstellungen/360-polarstern/
The best for practice from excellent research. We have been part of the international research platform gamelab.berlin for over five years.
The gamelab.berlin is assigned to the Humboldt University of Berlin and investigates the phenomenon of games in an interdisciplinary and multi-perspective way on the basis of the cultural-theoretical thesis of an “age of games”. Based on an expanded concept of games, the gamelab.berlin conducts research in the areas of gamethinking, transmedial storytelling, serious games, gamification, persuasive design, engagement science and experience design, among others.
Benefit from the best ideas and concepts from top university research. In addition to your practical project, we will gladly provide you with the best experts for your contract research in order to evaluate your project with scientific methods. Our team is well networked, strongly interdisciplinary and correspondingly versatile and enthusiastic!